Information Tab

This tab displays additional information pertaining to the applicant.

Section Description
View Feedback This section allows you view any submitted feedback and provide your own feedback on the applicant. 
Employment Tax Credit Eligibility This section appears only if your company uses the Tax Credit Integration feature. This section reflects the status of the tax credit screening process and allows you to send an email request to applicants inviting them to complete the tax credit screening questionnaire.

Click Print all forms to generate a list of documents that the provider flagged as “Required” in order to process the tax credit. The documents may be pre-populated with the necessary details.

Social Profiles This section allows you to search for the applicant’s profiles in social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

You can click the Search for profile link to generate a query on those social media sites directly or manually enter the URL of the applicant’s profile.

After you save the URL information, the Search for profile link changes to a View Profile link, with an option to edit if necessary.

Click View Profile to launch the applicant’s profile on that social media network in a separate browser window.

Diversity Data This section allows you to enter visual survey information and view diversity information about the applicant.
Interview Results This section displays any interview forms that the applicant has completed. You can also use this section to complete the interview form on behalf of the applicant.

The option to enter interview results displays only if the Status of the applicant has already reached the Candidate stage or further.

Use the Edit and View options in the Action column to edit or view the completed interview forms. The Date Modified column captures the date on which changes are made to an interview form. The Updated By column tracks the user ID of the person who initially completed the interview form and the user ID of the person who subsequently changed the interview form.

References This section allows you to log information received from the applicant’s job references and indicate the score provided by those references.
Cover Letter This section displays the applicant’s cover letter, if provided.
Résumé Attachments This section allows you to view attachments and when they were uploaded or add a new one. To add an attachment, click Browse to find the file and then click Add Attachment. You can also download résumé attachments in bulk by clicking Download Résumé Attachments.

Both file size limit and number of résumé attachments can be defined through System Settings (Administration > Global Settings > System Administration > System Settings > Resumes). The maximum allowed value for Résumé Attachment File Size Limit is 262144000 bytes.

Correspondences This section lists all correspondences made with the applicant. It also includes any auto-generated notifications issued by Talent Management. Letters that are flagged as Confidential are not hyperlinked.
Competencies This section lists the applicant’s competencies.
Skills This section lists the applicant’s skills.
Certifications This section lists both the external and internal certifications of the job seeker.
View Log This section logs the names of the people in your company who viewed the résumé.
TRM Campaign This section logs the TRM Campaign that the applicant received. If the TRM Campaign is hyperlinked, you can view the Campaign Details screen by clicking the link.
Internal Job History This section displays only if Core HR is disabled. It includes the position, start date, end date, and manager of the employee.
External Job History This section displays the external job history of the applicant or employee.
Education History This section displays the education history of the applicant or employee.
Training This section displays any training that the applicant or employee has completed.